Project Overview
The Middle Segment Crossover and Multi-Use Easement was identified as a key opportunity site in the 2018 Lower Los Angeles River Revitalization Plan located in the City of Paramount, along the Lower Los Angeles River and Compton Fishing and Hunting Club. The City of Paramount is planning to create a bike path; opportunity to include other users such as equestrian and pedestrians.
Project site abutting Compton Fishing and Hunting club and the City of Long Beach and City of Compton.
Some of the various features being developed include:
- Trails and bridges for pedestrians, bicyclist, and equestrians
- Wetland and habitat areas
- Public art, signage and gateways
- Fix it stations, restrooms, and parking lots
Potential benefits include:
- Improve user experience and equitable access
- Enhance local water capture and use
- Promote wellness and physical activity
Contact Us
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