Para Todos
The Lower LA River is a River for All of Us!
Un Río para Todos!

The San Gabriel and Lower Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) is launching the Para Todos campaign to ensure that equity and community stabilization remain at the center as projects begin to take shape from the 2018 Lower LA River Revitalization Plan.
Campaign Goals

Advancing Equity by safeguarding and centering the needs and visions of existing communities along the river

Revitalizing Communities through collaboration with other funding agencies and jurisdictions

Realizing the Vision of a River for All
Lower Los Angeles River

Over the next three years, the team will be engaging with public agencies, community-based organizations, and community members along the river to ensure that parks and other projects align with the broader community vision for equitable and accountable revitalization and open space development.
Spring 2023. The team will be reaching out to public agencies and organizations leading projects within 1.5 miles of the Lower LA River to collect information, find opportunities to collaborate, and learn about how communities have been sharing their ideas.
Spring 2024. The Para Todos team will begin organizing community events to hear more from people who live, work and play along the river.
Para Todos Campaign Timeline

More information coming soon!